Rules and Regulations for Burial of Cremains (Ashes)
An area in the Birdville Cemetery, designated as the Garden of Eden, is dedicated exclusively to the burial of cremains. The rules and regulations listed below apply to use of spaces in this area.
Spaces are numbered for identification.
Only a single cremain may be buried in a space.
Cremains must be buried under surface of the ground.
Granite or bronze markers must have flat tops not to extend more than three inches above
the level of the concrete curb.
A family may bury cremains, but the Cemetery must be notified prior to the burial. The
Cemetery can be notified at (817) 705-6532 & (817) 988-6102. Prior notification is required to accurately record all burials in the Garden.
A copy of our requirements will be furnished to the purchaser and local funeral homes.